Gum Myrrh (Opoponox)
Common Name – Gum Myrrh (Opoponax)
Latin Name – Commiphora guidottii
Appearance – Golden/Brown
Packaging – 50kg bags
Harvesting Location – Somalia, Ethiopia
Gum Myrrh opoponox or Commipohora Guidottii is mainly originated from the tubular vessels in the parenchym of the tree in Somalia and Ethiopia, it is found in regular lumps or tear shapes.
Opoponox is also known as perfumed Bdellium or Bisabol is often used as incense for religious ceremonies and personal care industries.Similar to how myrrh and frankincense gums are harvested, opoponax is extracted by striking the trees which is done by creating small incisions in the bark and chopping off twigs.